Less Compiler for Eclipse
I'm doing a project in Java and using Eclipse as my IDE. This is a note to myself on what plug-ins I am installing. Please note I am doing this all on Windows 7 and 8.1.
So first thing, install node (I use chocolatey for my Machine Package Manager).
Now we install less using npm (Node Package Modules).
To automatically build the LESS files as they are changed I used Maven and included the lesscss-maven-plugin.
So first thing, install node (I use chocolatey for my Machine Package Manager).
C:\> choco install nodejs.installI'm using the nodejs.install as it installs node and npm under "Program Files" and sets up the system PATH. Close and re-open the command prompt before continuing.
Now we install less using npm (Node Package Modules).
npm install less -gWe need to be able to edit LESS files in Eclipse and for that I'm using Eclipse plugin for LESS
LESS is a language which extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. This plugin extends the Eclipse IDE by providing handy features to edit and compile LESS stylesheets.
You can drag the install button below onto Eclipse and it will install the plug-in.
To automatically build the LESS files as they are changed I used Maven and included the lesscss-maven-plugin.