New ActionThis Release
The ActionThis guys have been busy this weekend with a new release:
The following changes were released last Sunday.
Improvements to the Project area:
- The Project and Action Item pages have been merged. The new Project page has an Action Item and a Details tab. The Project page functionality can be found on the Details Tab, while the Action Item page functionality can be found on the Action Item tab.
- A team member can leave a project they are signed to by going to the Details tab and clicking “Remove me.”
- We have created the “(Other)” project that will display all Action Items assigned to you from Projects you are not a member of.
- A new tick box to allow the viewing “Show Closed Action Items” instead of the two “View Open” and “View Closed” text.
Parent/Sub Action Items on Action Profile Page:
- A Sub Action Items can now be created in the Action Profile Page by going to the Sub Action Item section and clicking “Add Action Item."
- Rollover command functionality (from Project page) is also available.
- When viewing a Parent Action Item you can navigate to a Sub Action Item by selecting it in the Sub-Action Item section.
- When viewing a Sub Action Item the Parent Action Item is displayed below the “Status:”
- When viewing a Sub Action Item you can navigate to a Parent Action Item by selecting its display name.
Outlook Client:
- When working offline the changes to an action item's workflow are now reflected correctly in the Workflow buttons (e.g. Accepting an Action Item off-line now causes the “Accept” button to be greyed out when the item is next opened and the action is recorded in the item's history).
- A Sub Action Item can now be created by right-clicking on the Parent Action Item and selecting “New Sub Action Item."
- Action items can now be dragged to different projects or even be moved to be a Sub Action Item of another Action Item.
If you have any questions or feedback please email
Thanks for your continued support.
The ActionThis Team