New Windows Live Writer Tech Preview

I just downloaded and installed the new Windows Live Writer Tech Preview.


All my addins still work, major plus for me and they have added the following features:

On the UI:

  1. The main toolbar is different, although nothing I can see that is too drastic.
  2. Tabs for switching between views (I like this one).
  3. improved category control with search/filtering

Editing enhancements:

  1. Word count (Do people really need this to blog?)
  2. Auto Linking (Pretty cool.)
  3. Smart quotes/typographic characters (Not sure what this entails really)

Video and Image publishing Enhancements:

  1. Upload videos to Soapbox (I don’t really do video uploading, and if I do I prefer youtube, but hey, maybe this will change my mind)
  2. Image cropping and tilting
  3. Additional border styles
  4. Support for LightBox and other image previewing effects (like Slimbox, Smoothbox, and others)
    (This is pretty cool as well.)
  5. Support for centering images


[Update] O yea and apparently there is tonnes of changes on the SDK with new events etc…  I don’t write plugins so I don’t care that much, but if you do write plugins then have a look and give your feedback.
